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rexylum (ID)



Every moment is eternal,

I’m Rexy, i like to capture the natural and beautiful expression of everyone at every different moments.


Photography is not as simple as capturing the event,

this special day also represents  the processes of bonding and witnessing among the couples and their family, as the blessing from your family and friends will be showered.


Through my lenses, it's my honor to record these warm, joyful & touching moments. I hope that memories could be recalled and laughters will be heard through viewing my photos.



我是Rexy, 我喜歡捕捉人最自然的那一面.

 在各個不經意的瞬間, 你展現了最美, 最自然的自己.


攝影, 本來就不只是單純的紀錄.

結婚, 是一個特別的日子, 是一對戀人,也是彼此家族結合、見證的過程,包含著你們的愛情與幸福以及親朋好友的祝福.


透過鏡頭, 再現這溫馨愉悅的時刻是我的榮幸, 也希望透過我的照片能讓你們重溫當時的情景, 回味當時的感動, 然後微笑. 

Rex.y Photography 2014

All Rights Reserved ®

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